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ATR K1270R Rail cutting machine

1.fast, stable mounting. setting up the saw is quick and easy. 2.v-belt tensioning without disassembling of casing. 3.easy to start, smart start decompression and air purge bulb design. 4.easily operated, intelligent cutting relieves the operator......

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AC 1270 Concrete Saw

1.EASY TO START The unique design of the carburetor, cylinder and digital ignition system, together with air purge and decompression valve, ensure an easy start. 2.ANTI-VIBRATION SYSTEM Our anti-vibration system reduces vibrations in the cutter handles, so they are more comfortable to hold and can be used for longer......

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RD 770 Concrete Saw

RD 770 Cutting Saw: Unleash Precision Cutting Power Experience the cutting-edge performance of the RD 770 Cutting Saw, engineered to redefine precision and efficiency in cutting tasks. Crafted for professionals who demand reliability and versatility, this saw combines robust construction with advanced features to tackle a wide......

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